New Level Living LLC

Level Up Take Your Lifestyle to a New Level

Hi, I’m Felicia Lyles and I help people look great naked and create a healthy, sustainable, bariatric lifestyle without feelings of confinement and deprivation; a possibly, longer and more fulfilling life. I am a certified Health and Wellness Coach trained through the Health Coach Institute. Also training through Bariatric Support Centers International, I am a Certified Bariatric Support Group Leader, Back on Track Facilitator/Coach and, a Success Habits Instructor. I discovered my passion for Health and Wellness while on my journey for a healthy lifestyle. It was out of that passion I created New Level Living, LLC Health and Wellness Coaching.

About New Level Living, LLC

We are a health and wellness coaching service offering three essential tools to help you navigate your bariatric and transform your health and body—for good. As practitioners of behavior and agents of change we offer: The Right System: Together we identify your strengths, and challenges and create a step-by-step plan to help you reach your health and wellness goals.
The Right Support: We help you connect the dots from between where you are and where you want to go. The right accountability to help you transform your health and your body—for good.
We have the perfect solution for you if you want to learn how to find motivation, set and monitor goals for yourself and avoid common pitfalls of the bariatric life.

“When you look in the mirror do you look at yourself or for yourself?” -Dominic Riccitello

My Journey

I can honestly say that for many years I looked for myself…Why? Because the unhappy, unhealthy person I saw was not who I was supposed to be! I had gotten to the point where I didn’t know who that person staring back at me was.

So, after a 21-year battle with my weight, well to be honest a 29-year battle (if you count those few years, I convinced myself I had big bones or a little leftover “pregnancy weight”) I made the conscious decision to take control of my health. Now I didn’t always have to make this choice. As an adolescent and young adult, I could eat whatever I wanted, as much of what I wanted, as often as I wanted. It wasn’t until shortly after college I started to realize the consequences of developing such unhealthy habits. Unknowingly those habits would lead me toward a path of destruction. I developed hyper- tension, type II diabetes, hyperthyroidism and to assist a boatload of medications. Not to mention the lower back pain, the knee pain, the lack of energy and the decreased mobility. And shall we add the low self-esteem, feelings of failure, insecurity and inferior complex. I tried several weight loss methods over the years, jumping from one diet to the next oftentimes with a very small amount of success but nothing sustainable or maintainable. I would just drift back into my old habits and the weight that I had lost plus an increase would return.

                   “At 326 LBs and a statuesque 4’11”, I could no longer deny how unhealthy I was and decided to I had enough!”

I started seeing a bariatric surgeon and in September of 2015, I had Gastric Bypass surgery. This tool set me on my path to wellness. I learned quickly it was no magic bullet, while surgery started me on my journey it was up to me to stay on

the path. Success! Within one year I lost 135lbs. I was there…. I had arrived 13 LBs to goal weight and project me was complete. I began checking off the boxes to complete project me. I was off all but one of my medications I no longer suffered from hypertension or any of the other co-morbidities that followed my weight gain, and I was feeling great. Not realizing the reality that lies ahead for me…

Overconfidence and cockiness and not having established true healthy habits left me at a one-year plateau. I slowly stopped paying as much attention to my diet and regime and my weight came to a screeching halt. No accountability and unprepared for the stall mentally and reverting to old habits in panic, by the third-year post-op I had at a 40 LBs regain.

I took a true interest in Health and Wellness and wanting to absorb all I could to set myself up for success I began seeking more knowledge. Developing a true passion, I enrolled in a Health and Wellness program and received what was to be my first of many certifications.

“Yeah, but how did that help you?” …. I’m glad you asked!

it was time to practice what I preached. The desire to be a shining example to those I have the opportunity to help provided the motivation I needed. It was through health and wellness coaching training that I learned the secret to creating a healthy lifestyle…. behavior change. I went back to basics, using what worked in the past was able to set a new plan in motion. Realizing for weight loss is just as physical as it is mental. This was no longer a project but a deliberated intention to create a healthy sustainable lifestyle. I dialed back into my support system and was able

to take advantage of not only the educational information but the relationships and accountability it provided. Often- times it requires the assistance of someone who can help you connect the dots between where you are and

where you are trying to go.

Today I can proudly boast I have exceeded my goal and presently maintaining a 190lb weight loss. I lead a very physically active life and I feel fantastic. The best thing I could have ever done not only for myself but my family was to take control of my health. When I learned the body and mind are one, I transformed my health by changing my thinking patterns and behavior. I’m living my best life, in the best version of me (for now:)) and I truly would like for everyone to be able to do the same.

 My mission is to motivate, educate, inspire and empower as many as I can to invest in themselves and create an ideal healthy version of themselves. I can assist with strategies to help make sustainable healthy changes.

You deserve to experience a healthy lifestyle; most people don’t know how good their bodies are meant to feel. Take the opportunity now to invest in yourself…..



New Level Living offers a variety of services that will assist you on your weight loss surgery journey to living a healthier, fuller life.

■  Are you experiencing anxiety, stress or overwhelmed with information overload regarding surgery?

■  Do you need tools and techniques or perhaps more clarity on what is required of you to
    create a healthy sustainable bariatric lifestyle?

■  Are you aware of the habits and lifestyle changes you’ll need to sustain after the surgery?

■  Do you need to uncover what’s stopping your weight loss or slowing you down from having the progress you desire?

■  Are you facing bariatric regain and struggling to get back on track?

Let us provide you with the support you need!

Bariatric Support

Look Great Naked Bariatric Breakthrough Session

During this FREE 60-minute session focused entirely on you, I will walk you through a proven
process to:

         ■  Develop a powerful vision for what weight loss surgery can do for you
         ■  Create a crystal-clear step-by-step plan to ensure your bariatric success
         ■  Discover which habits y you need to achieve your goal
         ■  Identify the key elements you may be missing to manage your process before you even have                         Bariatric surgery
         ■  Uncover what habits have been stopping you, slowing you down or keeping you from becoming                     the  ideal version of yourself

The Look Great Naked 12 Week Transformation Program

Creating A Lasting Bariatric Lifestyle 12 Week 1 on 1 Program
This Coaching experience includes:

        ■  12 weekly, 1:1 Confidential Sessions
        ■  Guidance on creating transformative habits
        ■  Mindset coaching to empower you and shift your perception
        ■  Assistance with developing goals and a plan that fits within your life.
        ■  An accountability partner providing support every step of the way during your transformation

The Look Great Naked 6 Week Group Bariatric Transformation Program

Creating A Lasting Bariatric Lifestyle 6 Week Group Program
This Coaching experience includes:

        ■  6, weekly, group sessions
        ■  Confidential group support with a small number of like-minded members
        ■  Education and motivation to assist you in adopting healthy, long-term, sustainable behaviors                          to improve your health.
        ■  Guidance on creating transformative habits
        ■  Tips, tools and techniques to assist you on your journey
        ■  Mindset coaching to empower you and shift your perception
        ■  An opportunity to bond and share experiences with like-minded, bariatric clients. helps educate and motivate people to adopt healthy, long                    term, sustainable behaviors to improve their health
        ■  Assistance with developing goals and a plan that will assist you in creating a bariatric lifestyle
            that you enjoy and that will last
        ■  An accountability partner providing support every step of the way during your transformation

Reset, Renew, Reboot 12 Week Bootcamp

Reset, Renew, Reboot 12 Week Bootcamp

This Coaching experience includes:

       ■  12 bi-weekly fast paced group sessions  
       ■  Confidential group support
       ■  Education and motivation to assist you in getting back to practicing sustainable behaviors to                            improve your health.
       ■  Guidance on creating new transformative habits
       ■  Tips, tools and techniques to assist you on conquering your regain
       ■  Specific guidelines and principles
       ■  Bonding and shared experiences with like-minded, bariatric clients
       ■  Assistance with developing new goals and a plan that will assist you in re-creating a bariatric                                                                                                         lifestyle that you enjoy and that will last
                                                                                     ■  An accountability partner providing support every step of the way during your transformation

Reset your mind

Renew your commitments/goals

Reboot and begin again with a fresh new perspective

I will help you

• Apply expert advice to your health and weightloss journey
• Accelerate your habits and use them to achieve your goals
• Gain insights on common struggles and how to overcome them
• Develop your sense of Body Love and appreciation


Contact Me

"One of my favorite things to do is to connect and interact with my friends on social media. You can also check out some of our tips, tools, workouts, and recipes."

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